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COAST BANQUETTE01Designer: Crestline DesignWorks Coast is a staple piece designed for any collaboration or dining environment. Designed by Crestline, Coast has gone through rigorous testing to ensure ideal ergonomic proportions and comfort. Elevating Comfort and Collaboration. 02 COAST BANQUETTEBalanced combination of high and low-density seat foam for premium comfort. 0304 COAST BANQUETTE05Dimensions (mm): 1000-2400w x 900h Seat Height: 450 Finishes: Customer-specified fabric Toe-kick in LPL or veneer Warranty: 10 Year Warranty on frames and foams Lead Time: 4-8 Weeks Specifications 06 COAST BANQUETTEThe relationships people have with the office is fundamentally changing. How, where and when people work is no longer uniform. Nor are our solutions. We believe in the power of creating engaging spaces and furniture, so inspired and productive teams look forward to coming to work on Monday mornings. For over 30 years Crestline has been helping design office spaces for companies who want more. More options, more flexibility, more design. Over the next 30 years we want to see NZ furniture design celebrated on the world stage, ethically, sustainably and joyfully. Crestline; look forward to Monday mornings. Workspaces so good you’ll look forward to Monday mornings. 0708 COAST BANQUETTEWAIKATO/BAY OF PLENTY +64 7 855 9932 AUCKLAND +64 9 257 5015 WELLINGTON +64 4 333 1689 >